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DeYah Daniels

Director, Character Development

DeYah, birth name DiJonne' (Dejah) Daniels, is the Character Development Director and a Transformation Coach of Kingdom Studies Academy. DeYah has over 13+ years of experience developing others, whether that was in the workforce, in her community, or as a person many can call reliable. Through doing her own self development and overcoming many trials and tribulations her life is simply the example of what development looks like in real time.

Her transparency, unconditional love, kindness and joyous spirit has helped and developed many people along the way. She was called by The Most High, YAH, to help people reach their true freedom by teaching, leading, and showing others the way of a Kingdom lifestyle according to the scriptures.

“And looking intently 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with Elohim all is possible.'” — ‭‭Mattithyahu (Matthew)‬ ‭19‬:‭26

DeYah's Road to Entrepreneurship

DeYah began her road of entrepreneurship in 2020 after losing her father and experiencing the downside effects of losing a loved one. She then began her quest in the financial literacy field, building out her business that expanded across the United States. She also helped develop her family business in Redlands, California, that is still thriving to this day. She has had the opportunity to train and develop over 50 people since 2021, helping them thrive and create their own generational wealth for their families as well.

The Art of Transparency

Born in Southern California, she had the honor of having a praying grandmother that had a huge impact on her spiritual life and kept her in church. At the age of 11 she moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and that's when life got complicated. She was home sick and discouraged and was heavily influenced by her environment and decided to not finish high school, instead she went on and attended Job Corps at the age of 16 in Albany, Georgia, where she completed and graduated with her trade and GED.

Soon after she became a mother at 18 years old and by the age of 23 she had 3 children, they are now one of her biggest missions in life. Being a young mother, She has tried and she has failed at life many times, but one thing that she never stopped doing is praying, believing, and having faith in The Most High, YAH. She has a gift of transparency and being authentic that has helped many people feel safe, relatable, and also to have courage to start their own personal journey by developing their character in all the 5 elements of life—spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial wellness.

Vision & Goals

DeYah's desire is to show others that they are not alone. To show people that nobody is perfect but you are perfectly made. Your journey is your journey and the more we embrace that, the more love we can spread and accept. By being openly transparent with her life she has brought many people to The Most High, YAH, through her influence and genuine love. Her goal is to create a lifestyle of being transparent and showing love wherever she goes. Her vision is to develop a massive community of believers and role models that will help build out a Kingdom Lifestyle.


Featured Reviews

Perfect Company

Porro est ipsum dolor amet tetur adipisci velit non numsuam modi tempora labore magnam ad mini nostrum exercita tionem ullam corporis suscipit nisi autem vel iure repreh.

Michael Robertson


Perfect Company

Porro est ipsum dolor amet tetur adipisci velit non numsuam modi tempora labore magnam ad mini nostrum exercita tionem ullam corporis suscipit nisi autem vel iure repreh.

Michael Robertson


Perfect Company

Porro est ipsum dolor amet tetur adipisci velit non numsuam modi tempora labore magnam ad mini nostrum exercita tionem ullam corporis suscipit nisi autem vel iure repreh.

Michael Robertson


Awards and Credentials

View some of the awards and credentials that DeYah Daniels has received over the years.

Award, Mo 20xx

issued by: Enter

Spirit of Community Award, May 2014

issued by: Seattle University

Code Craft Achievement Gala

Berlin / Germany

Tech Web Triumph Awards

Tokyo / Japan

Degree, Mo 20xx

major: Credential ⬩ minor: Credential
issued by: Enter

Cyber Sphere Recognition Gala

New Delhi / India

Virtual Horizon Accolades

Canberra / Australia

Web Pioneer Laurels

London / United Kingdom

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